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Software Selection Decision Matrix

Software Selection Decision Matrix 9,2/10 1894reviews

Software Selection Decision Matrix' title='Software Selection Decision Matrix' />Software Selection Decision MatrixSoftware Selection Decision MatrixIN Software and Tools. The Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Decision Support Tools Matrix provides further information on and evaluations of many of the tools listed below. The matrix is a table that provides general information about each DST, such as the types of files that may be imported to, or exported from, the DST, the characteristics of applicable sites contaminants and media and the functions it performs. All DSTs that were evaluated are free to the public. Bio. PIC Tool for the Selection of Bioremediation Approaches at Chlorinated Solvent Sites. The Department of Defenses Do. D Environmental Security Technology Certification Program ESTCP has developed an easy to use tool called Bio. PIC to facilitate bioremediation decision making based on site specific physical and biogeochemical characteristics. This research project determined the relationship between biogeochemical parameters and degradation rates for known degradation pathways of chlorinated ethenes primarily PCE, TCE, and daughter products. Data from 9. 0 sites was used to establish correlations between the naturally attained rate constant and the abundance of specific parameters. Associations were then established for parameters such as Dehalococcoides Dhc densities, reductase densities, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, magnetic susceptibility, FeII, MnII, methane, ethane, total organic carbon, and others. These associations were used to develop a quantitative framework and decision logic for the screening tool. Based on site specific conditions, the tool will provide screening considerations to determine if monitored natural attenuation MNA, biostimulation, biologically mediated abiotic reductive dechlorination, or bioaugmentation is the most appropriate remedial approach. Site. Wise Tool for Green and Sustainable Remediation. Site. Wise is an Excel based remedy selection and optimization tool for green and sustainable remediation GSR planners. It was developed jointly by the Department of the Navy, Army Corps of Engineers, and Battelle. The tool provides an assessment of several quantifiable sustainability metrics including GHG emissions energy usage electricity usage criteria air pollutants water usage and accident risk. The companion user guide includes instructions for using Site. Wise and the basis of calculations. EPA DatasetDatabases for Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites. To assess the potential for risk from contaminated sediments and to help determine contamination levels for remedial designs, EPAs Land Research Program has developed several ecological risk assessment tools including 1 Biota Sediment Accumulation Factor Data Set, which can be used to evaluate the transfer of chemicals from sediments into the aquatic food chain 2 PCB Residue Effects PCBRes Database, an abundance of information for risk assessors to use for correlating polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs and other dioxin like compound residues with toxic effects and developing Toxicity Reference Values TRVs and 3 ECOTOX Database, for use when risk assessors and managers need to develop TRVs for sediment sites that have contaminants other than, or in addition to, PCBs and dioxins and provides ready access to single chemical toxicity information for aquatic and terrestrial life. Each of these tools facilitate a scientifically defensible risk assessment, improve the decision making ability of risk managers at Superfund and other contaminated sites, and facilitate successful remediation efforts. FOOTPRINT. Foot. Print is a simple and user friendly screening model used to estimate the length and surface area of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene BTEX plumes in ground water, produced from a spill of gasoline that contains ethanol. Ethanol has a potential negative impact on the natural biodegradation of BTEX compounds in ground water. Software Selection Decision Matrix' title='Software Selection Decision Matrix' />Levner, E., Linkov, I., Proth, J. M., eds. Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems, Kluwer, Amsterdam 2004 in press. Individual Decision Maker. Software and Tools Individual software packages and online tools to assist CLUIN users and links to other sources of free software and tools. The primary objective of the software is to predict the increase in surface area of the plume of BTEX compounds or any other chemical of concern COC due to the presence of ethanol in ground water. Foot. Print estimates the area of a plume of particular BTEX compounds that are contained within two biodegradation zones 1 a zone that is immediately adjacent to the source, where ethanol is present in high concentration and no biodegradation of the BTEX compounds or other COC is allowed, and 2 a second zone, where the ethanol concentration is negligible due to the natural biodegradation of ethanol in the first zone and biodegradation of the BTEX compound or other COC contributes to attenuation in concentration of the BTEX compounds. Foot. Print is based on the modified version of the Domenico model 1. Martin Hayden and Robbins 1. This model is an approximate analytical solution of the advective dispersive solute transport equation with first order decay. The model of Martin Hayden and Robbins 1. Foot. Print to allow zero order decay as well see Appendix B of the users manual for details. As a result, Foot. Print can independently describe the natural biodegradation of ethanol andor the BTEX compound with either a zero order rate constant or a first order constant. Foot. Print can also be used to estimate the surface area of the plume and the concentration at any given point within the plume when the COC is decaying at a constant rate first or zero order in the absence of ethanol. Natural Attenuation Software NAS. Natural Attenuation Software NAS is a screening tool to estimate remediation timeframes for monitored natural attenuation MNA to lower groundwater contaminant concentrations to regulatory limits, and to assist in decision making on the level of source zone treatment in conjunction with MNA using site specific remediation objectives. NAS is designed for application to ground water systems consisting of porous, relatively homogeneous, saturated media such as sands and gravels, and assumes that groundwater flow is uniform and unidirectional. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Themes For Windows 7. NAS consists of a combination of analytical and numerical solute transport models. Software Selection Decision Matrix' title='Software Selection Decision Matrix' />Natural attenuation processes that NAS models include advection, dispersion, sorption, non aqueous phase liquid NAPL dissolution, and biodegradation. NAS determines redox zonation, and estimates and applies varied biodegradation rates from one redox zone to the next. Scribe Environmental Field Data Capture. Scribe is a software tool developed by the USEPAs Environmental Response Team ERT to assist in the process of managing environmental data. Scribe captures sampling, observational, and monitoring field data. Examples of Scribe field tasks include Soil Sampling, Water Sampling, Air Sampling and Biota Sampling. Scribe can import electronic data including Analytical Lab Result data EDD and Sampling Location data such as GPS. Scribe supports handheld extensions, Scriblets, to capture and import sampling and monitoring data collected on handheld PDAs. Mass Flux Toolkit. Provides a wide set of desktop and online software for chemists and educators NMR, IR, UV, MS, drawing and modeling, chromatography, naming, comprehensive databases. SESUG 2012 1 Paper SD04 DecisionMaking using the Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP and SASIML Melvin Alexander, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD. Decision Matrix Excel template Impact Effort Matrix template easily converts to EffectiveAchievable Decision Making Matrix. And more Excel templates for problem. TweetScoop. it TweetScoop. You can make effective decision tree diagrams and slides in PowerPoint using builtin PowerPoint features like shapes and connectors. Gary Scotts collection of source code links. Software evaluation matrix for Accounting, CRM, Payroll HR software. Using points scoring criteria for software vendor selection and shortlisting. The Mass Flux Toolkit, developed for the Department of Defense ESTCP program, is an easy to use, software tool that enables users to learn about different mass flux approaches, calculate mass flux from transect data, and apply mass flux values to manage groundwater plumes. The Toolkit presents the user with three main options a module to calculate the total mass flux across one or more transects of a plume, calculate the uncertainty in the calculation, and plot mass flux vs. A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a treelike graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes. Accounting Software World Offers the Best Practice Steps to Software Selection. Decision Matrix template Decision Making Matrixalso known as Impact Effort Matrix, PICK Matrix, Effective Achievable Analysis,Opportunity Analysis, Project Desirability, Project Prioritization, or Project Selection. Group decision making gets a whole lot easier when your team agrees on. Your Decision Matrix template Decision. PICK. xlsx plots your alternatives into a chart with 4 visual quadrants depicting trade offs. Impact that an alternative will probably have to achieve your objectives,and the achievability of the effort that will probably be required. Excel Decision Making Matrix. This Decision Making Matrix was popularized as a tool for Lean Six Sigma quality improvementand has become even more popular as a tool for selection and prioritization of Lean Six Sigma projects. It is the most popular decision making tool for any type of business decision making. Sample Decision Matrix example. Download free trial Excel Decision Matrix. Use your Decision Matrix to reduce conflict. Having an agreed upon decision making tool can be particularly useful to counterbalance the personality differences common to almost every group of 2 or more people Video. Decision Making Toolswhere some people tend to be a little outspoken while others keep their often better ideas to themselves. An Impact Effort Matrix decision making tool can be especially useful in those uncomfortable moments. Or your bosss boss. Whether its your career on the line, or just a mild desire to avoid any possibility of unnecessary conflict. How to use your. Decision Matrix template. These instructions are for the Decision Matrix Quadrant Chart Decision. PICK. xlsx Instructions for the simple Decision Matrix template Decision. Simple. xlsx. are found near the bottom of this page. Open your template the usual way. Find and open your template. Find and open your Decision Matrix template Decision. PICK. xlsx in the same way that you find and openyour other 1. Systems. 2win templates. If you dont yet own a license,you can download your free trial now. Save your working document following the usual document storage and naming conventions established by your leaders. Open a Blank Sheet. When youre ready to start doing your own real work. Open a Blank SheetExcel Ribbon bar Systems. Open a Blank Sheet. This blank sheet is where you will do your real worknot on the Sample sheetRename your new sheet. If English is not your preferred language. Switch to your language, just like every Systems. Excel template. Before getting started using your. Decision Making Matrix. Choose Chart Type. In the dropdown list near the top of the page, choose either Impact Effort PICK Matrix. Higher scores are better for Impact, but lower scores are better for Effort,and the desired quadrant is in the upper left. Effective Achievable Analysis. Higher scores are better for both Effectiveness and Achievability,and the desired quadrant is in the upper right. The Impact Effort Matrixis the more popular format for a decision making chart. Effective Achievableis perhaps more intuitivebecause for both scalesa higher score is betterand Achievability often considers factors beyond Effort. PACE images from Karen Martin and Associates. Define your rating scales. On the DV sheet, define the rating scales that will appear in the dropdown lists, perhaps choose from the many popular rating scale options. Now your team is ready to start using your. Decision Making Excel template. Define the decision that needs to be made. Title. Succinctly summarize the problem in the Title field near the top of the page. Ensure that everyone understands and agrees upon what is to be decided. List Alternatives. Perhaps use your Values List template, andor your Hansei questions,andor. Alternatives. Reminder As with all Systems. Link Iconsto easily insert intuitive shapes with hyperlinks. At a minimum, you should link to the Project Charter for each Alternative. Now skip down to the Details section. As with any Systems. Never edit blue cells that contain formulas. Those cells will auto populatewhen you complete the details section. Agree upon Objectivesto evaluate. Objectives. If you are selecting andor prioritizing Lean Six Sigma Projects see our online training page filled with ideas and examples of factors to consider for Selection and Prioritization of Lean Six Sigma Projects. To generate additional ideas perhaps use any of the many brainstorming techniques. To clarify, prioritize, and reduce your list perhaps use your Values List template and other list reduction methods. Importance. Assign weight of Importance for each objective in the Impact Rating Section. Usually use a simple 01. You can use any rating scale, as long as larger numbers are more important. Assign Impact and Effort ratings. Impact and Effort Ratings. In the Impact and Effort ratings grids, use the dropdowns to choose from your teams chosen rating scale. If you enter a period. If a cell is blank that means that your team has not yet agreed upon a Rating value. The scores for each column will auto calculate Impact Effort Raw Score Sum of Impact ImportanceImpact Effort Score Adjusted Calculation that sets the highest Raw Score as 1. Max, and then all other scores are a percentage of that highest score rounded to the nearest whole numberEasily Adjust your Scale. Use the slider controls near the chart to quickly adjust your Maximum values. THAT good, or THAT difficult. Try it. Use the slider controls, and see how easy it is to adjust the scale on your chart. Impact Effort Other Considerations. Optionally use these sectionsto itemize objective measures of Impact Effort that dont fit your usual rating scale. Impact Examples Expected Return On Investment ROI measured in dollars. Yes, your rating scale section might also have a line item for ROI with a 0 1. Perhaps refer to linked spreadsheets with detailed cost ROI analysis. Time Savings measured in minutes per shift. Yes, your rating scale section might also have a line item for Time Savings with a 0 1. Effort Examples WhoYes, your rating scale section might also have a line item for Team Availability with a 0 1. Leaders, Team Members, etc. Specific Concerns Yes, your rating scale section might also have a line item for Implementation Enthusiasm with a 0 1. Apply chart data labels. Important A dot will appear on the chart only after. ALL of the required data elements for each rowcolumn Importance rating. Impact rating. Effort rating. Important Data labels will appear next to the dots on the chart only after. Systems. 2win menu in the Excel Ribbon bar, you select Apply Chart LabelsEvery time that you enter a new Alternative, or change the description of an Alternative. Optional Choose your desired level of detail for your chart labelsby using the dropdown list near the top of the page to select either Number. Description. Both Number and Description and then select the button again to Apply Chart LabelsTip If you want your highest rated alternative to have an Impact or Effort rating lower than 1. THAT good, or none are THAT difficult. Max values. Optional If you want to temporarily change the format of your chart labelsthen you can use everything you know about how to format any Excel chart. Perhaps change font size.