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Operating System Mcqs With Answers Pdf

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No matter what happens in your life, be determined to think positively. D2. Gs Special PDFs. Wwe 2013 Pc Game Full Version For Windows 7. S0. 01. 90. 57. 81. Standard Deviation Spectral Density. R. Sharifi, M. Ebrahimi ISA Transactions 5. In fact the windings areassumedtobeconcentratedwindingsandforexpressingthemtheimpulse function is used. Under healthy conditions the number of conductors in three phase windings are equal i. Using the Faraday rule, we can express the voltage induced in thestator winding as. V st     L  Br  ,t   ns   5where the subscript s points to the phases of stator which can bea, b, and c , is the average of the rotor speed, L is the length of conductor placed in the stator slot, Br  the rotor magnetic field,and ns the conductor distribution of stator phase winding. Aftersubstitutingthe. Br ns byna inthe. Eq. 4,thevoltageinduced in the a phase winding is V at   g V ag Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   ag , g   0,1,2. V ag  isthemagnitudeofinducedharmonicvoltageassociatedwith the g  component of the rotor magnetic field and the ag the associated phase angle. The harmonics are just the rotor slotharmonics. The voltages induced in the other two phases maysimply be calculated by substituting the nb or nc  instead of  na. Doing it the voltages are calculated similar to Eq. Accurately,the harmonics have the same magnitude in three phases. This isdue to direct existence of the conductor distribution Eq. Eq.  5. The physical explanation is thatthe rotor magnetic field acts on three equal windings. Assumingequal impedance of the phases, the currents flowing throughwindings are equal. Practically the phases are not perfectly equaland therefore cause negligible difference in the magnitude of harmonics flowing in three phases. However in this research onlythe effect of supply voltage unbalance is considered. The phases,either in the machine or at the supply may be asymmetric whichcan be analyzed in the future works. Faulty winding condition. Now due to the occurrence of an inter turn short circuit in themotor stator winding, consider the situation that the winding isasymmetric. As a result, the number of conductors in three phasewindings are not equal i. Eq.  4. Determining the induced voltages in the stator phases, in thesame manner with the previous, the equations similar to Eq. It means that the harmonic content of the inducedvoltages under faulty conditions does not differ from healthyconditions. Howeverthereisadifferencethat,theinducedvoltagesin three phases do not have the same magnitude under thiscondition, i. V ag       V bg       V cg . By the physical explanation,the rotor magnetic field acts on three different stator windings. Therefore no new harmonic is generated, but the so calledrotor slot harmonics with different magnitude in three phases. Consequently, current harmonic magnitudes flowing in threephases are not equal. It is assumed that the fault is in its incipient stage, so thedominantcomponentoftherotormagneticfieldisas. Eq. 3. Iftheshortcircuitwantstocreatealargeasymmetry,thestatorrotatingfield will have a counterclockwise component itself derived fromnegative sequence component of the stator three phase currents. In the next section it is proved that the said component doesnot have different effect, and acts similar to the fundamentalcomponent. Supply voltage unbalance condition. Now assume that the stator winding is healthy symmetricaland the supply voltage is unbalanced. Thus the stator windingdraws unbalanced currents. As a result, the rotor currents have2  s1 Hz component in addition to the fundamental s1 Hz. In this condition, the Eq. Br  ,t  Br Cos p    1  s  s1t   Br 2Cos p    1  s  s  21t   2  g N r  p 1, g   0,1,2. Proof.  The equation has two components. The first componentwhich is the fundamental is Eq. For the second component itis sufficient to substitute the s1t  term by the 2  s1t  termin Eq. With this explanation that the time varying componentof the rotor magnetic field i. Eq.  3, includes mechanical and electrical parts. The mechanicalpart which is the 1  s1t  term is due to the mechanicalrotation of the rotor and the electrical term which is s1t  isdue to the alternation of the rotor current. In this conditionthe mechanical component is the same with the previous butthe electrical component includes 2  s1 in addition to s1component. By substituting this equation and Eq. Eq.  5, the voltagesinduced in the stator phases are V at   g V  g 1. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   ag 1 g V  g 2. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   ag 2V bt   g V  g 1. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   bg 1 g V  g 2. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   bg 2V c t   g V  g 1. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   cg 1 g V  g 2. Sin g N r  p1  s  11t   cg 2 g   0,1,2. V  g 1, and V  g 2 are related to the fundamental and additionalcomponent, respectively. Apparently this equation indicates thatthe harmonic content of the induced voltages in this conditiondiffers from two previous conditions. But an accurate studydemonstrates that the harmonics flowing due to the additionalcomponent are created by the fundamental component withnegative g . For example the harmonic due to the additionalcomponent per g   1 has the same frequency as the harmonicdue to the fundamental component per g   1. Therefore theinducedvoltagesinthestatorphaseshavethesamefrequencywithequal magnitudes because the rotor magnetic field containingtwo components acts on three equal windings. Consequently,the currents flowing in the stator windings have the samemagnitudes. Inter turn fault diagnostic index. We want to detect the inter turn short circuit occurrencebased on the MCSA, by using the rotor slot harmonics. As weknow the magnitude of these harmonics is sensitive to supplyvoltage unbalance. So the aim is to detect the faulty condition anddistinguishitfromthesupplyvoltageunbalance. Asdemonstratedin the previous section, under ideal conditions healthy windings.