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Battle Realms S Full Version

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Drow Forgotten Realms Wiki. Drow. Average Lifespan. Favored Terrain. Average Height. Average Weight. Skin ColorsBlack, dark blue, gray, violet. Eye ColorsRed, lavender, blue, purple, amber. Distinctions. Pointed ears, slim but athletic build, beautiful, affinity to darkness, able to enter fully aware sleep state. Realms Helps Artifacts of Faern. The Underdark maps and the Epic Level Handbook. Both the Gleaners and the Planar Cartographic Society seek to retrieve the. Stevens Model 16 Crack Shot Parts. Ultimate Sides Mod 4. Nov 5 2017 The Ultimate Sides Mod Full Version 6 comments. The next update for USM. It is now an era mod, but only with 3 maps. Star Realms is an awardwinning spaceship combat deckbuilding game designed by Magic the Gathering Pro Tour Champions and Hall of Famers Darwin Kastle and Rob Dougherty. SgvUYdZsOv4/USpTY75kC5I/AAAAAAAAC9I/0Ndov2-jC7k/s1600/b_screen015.jpg' alt='Battle Realms S Full Version' title='Battle Realms S Full Version' />Battle Realms S Full VersionDrow, also known as dark elves,5 were a dark skinned sub race of elves that predominantly lived in the Underdark. They earned their reputation as evil people, with all justification,8 though some members with more neutral disposition did exist, as did an even smaller number of actually good members. On the surface, the drow were sometimes referred to as The Ones Who Went Below. Description. Edit. In many ways, drow resembled eladrin. Battle Realms S Full Version' title='Battle Realms S Full Version' />Height and Weight. Edit. They were shorter than many other sub races of elves, and while there was no average height difference between male and female drow, males were on average a bit heavier. They usually varied in height from four feet seven inches to five feet five inches and weighed from 8. Coloration. Edit. Drow had skin of dark grey to obsidian color and white or yellow hair. Rare hair colors included copper and silver,1. Female drow with blonde hues indicated the drow in question was of an older age. Elder male drow had naturally silvering hair. This hair was carefully groomed and cared for by most drow and worn long with jewelry and other accessories decorating it. Like all elves, drow were incapable of growing beards, though many males were fond of long sideburns. Drow eyes were usually bright red, but some had different colored, often much paler eyes such as blue, lilac, pink and silver1. Sometimes a drows eyes could even be green or blue, which meant that that particular drow had some surface elven blood in their veins. Attractive Looks. Edit. Drow looked attractive,1. This wasnt a coincidence but the result of selective breeding over several generations. Meeting beauty standards of surface races was surmised to be the most important reason, that surface dwellers were prone to turn a blind eye on the drow races deeds and allow inclusion in surface communities. Reproduction. Edit. Drow had a reputation even among themselves to be more fertile than other elves,1. Their constant strife kept their numbers low. An interesting thing about birth was that, when different subraces of elves intermarried, there was an equal chance for the child to inherit either of the parents traits. The resulting child had usually both a psychological quirk to favor the drow parent over the other one2. It was a trait the dark elves shared too. They were also capable of parenting half drow with humans. This parentage gave these half elves no different powers than other half elves as a general rule, exceptions existed who did gain some powers through their parentage. Regarding reproduction, like any other sort of half elves, the 2 generation rule applied to half drow too. Drow had lifespans far beyond those of humans and comparable with the rest of the elven race, although usually somewhat longer. This was, of course, presuming the drow didnt meet a premature and violent end, as many often did, but those that survived the trials of their society and the horrors of the Underdark could live for centuries,1. Abilities. Edit. A drow ranger. Drow had many other special abilities that differentiated them from other races, including other Tel quessir. Physical Abilities. Edit. Drow were more agile and alluring than most humanoid races. Like all elves, drow required no sleep but instead entered a meditative trance throughout which they retained full awareness of their surroundings. This state was half again more efficient than the way in which most races gained rest. Magical Abilities. Edit. Drow had a tremendous resistance to magic1. Lolthtouched. Edit. Whether Lolth ever blessed the drow with anything wasnt very clear, the most distinctive feature of drow, however, was what was called the touch of Lolth. It manifested itself in a number of abilities. For example in the cloud of darkness, that enshrouded the drow in darkness that was impossible to see through but the user and darkfire, that made creatures an easier target, encasing them in something that looked like purple fire, though causing no harm. Using these two abilities tired a drow slightly and they seemed to be charged from the same source and only more experienced and well trained drow, could cast both abilities separately. Yet others, particularly drow who were well favored by Lolth, manifested another ability that both slowed and impeded a foe, while also making it more difficult for them to see. Some individuals learned to awaken these powers further, becoming known as the curseborn and possessing abilities that allowed them to further master the shadow power granted by the Spider Queen, for whatever ends. Other drow struggled to rid themselves of Lolths touch and instead sought Corellons aid, eventually becoming crusaders of the fey god within the dark realms of their race, gaining blessings of healing and light from the patron of the elves. Either path led to great power and granted even more unique abilities to an individual drow. Dancing Lights. Edit. Drow owned the ability to naturally cast dancing lights. Apart from its obvious use as light source, it was used to divert attention, shock others with the sudden appearance of a glowing figure, or shocking them with the sudden appearance of will o wisp like light balls. Teaming up with actual will o wisps to make this more effective was also known. Drow owned the ability to naturally cast darkness. Apart from its obvious use to cancel others light sources. This ability was an integral part of drow combat. While the ability itself couldnt cause damage, it was used to limit sight or otherwise hamper enemies,3. For example, drow could be hiding behind the black stone and ambush enemies out of it or the black stone could turn out to be a covered up pit fall. An entire branch of martial arts of the drow concerned itself with the use of darkness, the kyone veldrin style. Faerie Fire. Edit. Drow owned the ability to naturally cast faerie fire. Apart from its obvious use, it was used to force enemies to pay attention or divert it and the color changing property was exploited as handy color signals to convey information over long distances. The observation was that some drow had more abilities, like those of getting an idea about a persons mental inclination, as detect good, detecting magic detect magic or to levitate. Holders of these abilities formed the noble class of drow society. These abilities seemed to be a dominant trait. Psychology. Edit. Drow had reputation to consist entirely of evil people. This reputation mostly matched reality with a few exceptions few and far between. Drow were arrogant, ambitious, sadistic, treacherous and hedonistic. From birth, drow were taught they were superior to other races and should crush those beneath them. Children who resisted and showed kindness or love were brutally punished, so as to beat the instinct for cruelty into them. It was important to recognize that the drow races evil wasnt of inherent nature. Unlike for example orcs, who suffered from an inherent drive towards evil, elves like drow chose by themselves to turn their culture into what it became. Artifacts of Faern. The secrets of creating these items, if indeed they were ever known to mortal beings, are lost to the depths of time. Some are unique, or are the last of their kind. In other cases, several examples of an item exist, scattered across the lands of Faern. Minor Artifacts of Faern. Arbanes Sword of Agility. Arbane of Myth Drannor originally crafted this sword, and a least a dozen were been made by him or others before the process disappeared to the mists of time. By command, this 2 longsword of speed allows the bearer to cast jump once per day. She is also immune to illusion pattern effects and protected by a constant freedom of movement spell when the sword is drawn. The sword can negate darkness as if using a daylight spell once per day. Caster Level 1. 0th Weight 4 lb. Source Magic of Faern. Azureedge. This unique 5 throwing wounding battleaxe is forged of an alloy of silver and steel, with runes of power along the blade, a handle of solid steel wrapped in blue dragonskin, and a star sapphire in the pommel. The edges of the axe blade shimmer with a faint blue glow shedding light equal to a candle. This illumination automatically brightens to the equivalent of a torch when the axe is within 6. It acts as a disruption weapon when defending the city of Waterdeep. Its magical properties are protected by Nystuls undetectable aura, and Khelben the Blackstaff is said to scry on the bearer of the axe from time to time to make sure he or she is not acting contrary to the interests of the Lords of Waterdeep. The axe is intelligent Int 1. Wis 1. 2, Cha 1. 0, neutral good, and considers itself female. It can communicate telepathically or speak Common or Chondathan, although it rarely speaks. Ahghairon of Waterdeep created it. Much of its personality comes from a portion of the soul of Lady Lauron, former warlord of that city, who was mortally wounded while defending the city and asked the wizard to ensure that she would always be able to aid the defense of Waterdeep. The axe remembers its origin but does not have the memories of the woman that granted it its spirit. Caster Level 1. 8th Weight 7 lb. Source Magic of Faern. Blast Scepter. These devices were made in Netheril. A new blast scepter has 5. A blast scepter is self identifying and has the following powers The user is immune to fire and lighting while holding the scepter. The user cannot be knocked down or moved by a blast or detonation while holding the scepter. The user takes half damage from any blast, such as a horn of blasting, smokepowder detonation, or the blast power of another blast scepter one quarter damage with a successful saving throw. The user can stun a target by making a melee touch attack with the scepter. The creature touched can avoid being stunned with a successful Fortitude save DC 2. The opponent is stunned for 1d. This power drains 1 charge. The user can blast opponents with a soundless wave of force in a cone 3. Targets automatically take 2d. Reflex saves DC 2. This power drains 2 charges. The user can powerstrike any creature or object with a melee touch attack. The touch deals 5d. Fortitude save DC 2. The powerstrike can damage any construct, and constructs who fail their saves are destroyed. This power drains 4 charges. Caster Level 1. 3th Weight 6 lb. Source Magic of Faern. Chassabras Pendant. On a mountaintop somewhere in the North, Tostyn Alaerthmaugh recovered Chassabras pendant from the skeletal remains of its long dead creator, after whom it was named. This piece of jewelry appears to be a delicate diamond shaped piece of polished copper, engraved with a design of three closed, long lashed human eyes set in a triangle one eye below two side by side eyes, hung around a small linked necklace chain. The spells laid on the pendant render it terrifically strong and nonmetallic such that it is not affected by magnetism or spells that work on metal, and no longer conducts heat or electricity and make it automatically alter to fit a wearer. It is as hard as adamantine hardness 2. When donned, Chassabras pendant mentally communicates its powers to its wearer it is a self identifying item, who can activate them by silent force of will alone a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The exceptions to this are the three automatic, always functioning powers of the pendant, which affect only the wearer see invisibility, feather fall, and immunity to magic missiles. The pendant has the following additional powers. Only one of these effects can be active at a time activating a different one deactivates the one that had been in effect. When the user actives this power, creatures and objects within a 5 foot radius centered on the user but not the user himself, become outlined with faerie fire. The effect lasts 1. Strong abjuration, conjuration, divination, evocation, transmutation CL 1. Weight 1 lb. Source Dragons of Faern. Diamond Scepter of Chomylla. The diamond scepter of Chomylla is one of at least three long lost lore scepters of Uvarean. The diamond scepter was created by Chomylla centuries before the destruction of the Lorelands as the elf realm of Uvarean in the west central forest was known by a falling star. Chomylla was among the few survivors, thanks to her visit to the coronal. After the calamity, Chomylla gave the scepter to the coronal for safekeeping, so she could return home to see what could be salvaged. At this point, the scepter disappeared from record, having been lost or stolen. The scepter was not found until the Year of the Staff 1. DR, when Dretchroyaster uncovered it in the Monarchs Fall Glade. This 6 foot long scepter is carved from a single enormous crystal, with a perfect transparent globe at its head. The scepter acts as a 33 quarterstaff. The wielder can also use the following effects. At will quickened detect magic. The primary function of the scepter is to unlock the secrets of the libraries of Uvarean, secret elf stores of knowledge in the Dalelands. When the wielder of the scepter is in the presence of an artifact or location associated with the Uvarean, he feels a faint tingling. By concentrating on a specific object or location and making a successful Knowledge check of a DC appropriate to the magnitude of the knowledge, The wielder can learn basic information about that topic. Strong conjuration, divination, and illusion CL 1. Source Dragons of Faern. Glowstone. Dwarf and gnome artisans crafted these rare and powerful items in ancient times. A glowstone looks like a many faceted oval of glass or amber about the size of a human hand. The synthetic crystal is exceedingly hard and tough. A glowstone has a hardness of 6. A glowstone constantly emits light equal to a daylight spell. This light negates and dispels any darkness effect cast at 9th level or lower. Placing the glowstone in an opaque container blocks the light. A glowstone can power any item that requires charges. The glowstone need only be placed on the charged item. The glowstone sticks to the item like a magnet sticking to metal. It will not fall off by accident, but can be removed. For every 1. 0 minutes the glowstone remains attached to the item, the item regains 1 charge, up to its maximum number of charges. Each charge restored to an item drains 1 charge from the glowstone. Items subject to overcharging, such as a staff of the magi, will overcharge if left in contact with a glowstone too long.